Sunday, June 18, 2017
Große Ereignisse werfen ihre Schatten voraus
Nach wiederum einer gefühlten Ewigkeit hier mal wieder ein Lebenszeichen.
Unser hoffentlich letzter Umzug will vorbereitet werden. Das bedeutet alle Schränke, Regale, Kisten und Kasten durchzusehen und mit eisernem Besen auszumisten. Ich gestehe, wegwerfen ist nicht meine starke Seite. Seufz
Aber mein neues Studio ist einzugsbereit und ich freue mich schon riesig darauf. Es ist herrlich hell, hat einen Zugang zur Terrasse und es wartet auf mich und meine Diva (aka Bernina 830).

Thursday, December 17, 2015
News from Norway/Germany - Neuigkeiten aus Norwegen und Deutschland
sorry for my silence - life was so busy.
We are in Norway more than 2 years now and enjoy it very much. Living close to ocean is such a joy,
the sky is spectacular most of the time as is the wind :-)
During this summer we traveled several times to Germany, because we bought our house for the time
when DH is retired.
It is the perfect home for the 2 of us! Everything is in a very good shape and we both have
enough room for ouf hobbies. Lucky me gets a light studio with a door to the terrace.
Here are some pictures:

And I bought the machine I dreamed from for quiet some time: Bernina 830 - I'm still in the learning process.
Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year

Friday, September 05, 2014
Freitags Füller
Endlich hab ich's mal geschafft, Barbara's Freitagsfüller auszufüllen.
1. Für fünf Euro bekomme ich in Norwegen leider keinen Cappuchino.
2. Die Nordsee erfreut mich jeden Tag aufs Neue vor meiner Haustür.
3. Wie könnte ich all meine Ideen in der vorhandenen Zeit umsetzen?
4. Gestrickt habe ich schon länger nicht mehr, aber das holen wir jetzt nach.
5. Für alle Fälle habe ich auf jeden Fall genügend Wollvorrat.
6. 160 Mini Guglhupf Küchlein zu backen, das Highlight der Woche.
7. Was das Wochenende angeht, heute Abend freue ich mich auf den leckeren Couscoussalat, morgen habe ich Nähen geplant und Sonntag möchte ich Pläne schmieden für mein Weichnachts-to-do-Liste !
Ich wünsche Euch ein schönes Wochenende

Wednesday, July 23, 2014
back - after a long break
In the more than one year I haven't posted here big changes where made.
Early September 2o13 we moved to the Stavanger area in Southern Norway. DH managed to rent a house with a wonderful view to the beach and the ocean, not to mention the great space for me. More of that later. Who followed me on FB may have seen several pictures from our view, but I'll post some here in the future, I'm shure.
Quilting wise:
No progress on my Baby Jane, it's still not touched. BUT
I started a big 1/2" Hexagon project (17200 pieces)Grit Kovacz designed. She offers the pattern for free on her blog.
Last November I traveled -again- to Shipshewana/Indiana to attend the Dear Jane Retreat and to meet my international friends. Caroline from Belgium, Julie from Australia have been there as well, I traveld with both of them for 3 weeks through California in January 2o12. Hanne and May Brit from Norway have been there too and Brenda B. from Dubai. I spend some time with Valerie in the suburb from Chicago for some days, she runs the beautiful quiltshop "The Quilt Merchant" in Winfield, IL. Most of my reproduction fabrics for my "La Passion" where bought in her shop.
Today I managed to sew the first block of Tula Pink's City Sampler
Now I have to do my kitchen duties and to prepair the BBQ
See you soon

Sunday, May 11, 2014
Muttertagsfreude / Mothersday joy
Today we are celebrating Mothersday in Germany. I have no idea if that is the case in Norway where we moved to last September. More about that later.
Ines sent me a lovely little package, nicely wrapped with a beautiful picture in a pretty frame. Not without a tiny swallow which she loves. I also got 4 coasters with a poppy on it, coordinating to the quilt in the livingroom. I'll show that in another post. And a washitape for my scrapbook stash (PL)
Saturday, August 24, 2013
We know: most accidents happen at home.
While I had big plans for today I managed to get a cut in my thumb.
Slows me down
Thursday, August 15, 2013
First impressions from our new home in Norway
Early September we'll move to Norway. Last weekend I spent 2 days with DH and we measured our new home to find out how our furniture fits in.
All I can say about the new home is: wooooooow
It's located out of town near the shore of the North Sea - the livingroom and my studio on the first floor have a spectavular view!
DH has a nice room for his modeltrain and space for dirty work.
A big livingroom with an iron oven. My space is wonderful: a nice studio with big windows and a sleepingroom and a office with room for my drawers filled with my fabrics. Not shure to be able to sew, quilt, bead, read or knit in my studio - perhabs I'll just sit in my rocking chair and enjoy the wonderful view ....
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