Looking forward to the big move into our new home in September

Friday, August 25, 2006


Instead of getting ready to start to my weekend trip I finished this little necklace. Of course the beaded beads had been ready before (smile). I'm not really lucky with the result, because it is to short and I feel the middle (focus) bead doesn't get the attention she due. She is a special beauty, which took much more time to make than I expected.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bridget welcome to blog land, I love your beaded necklace..Tina

Katie said...

Welcome to blogging. Tonya's letters are so much fun. Enjoy and see you again soon.

Cher said...

what a unique necklace!

Quilts And Pieces said...

I love your necklace! I"ve tried to make some, but I always like other peoples better!

Finn said...

A very lovely bead necklace..*VBS* I'm sure it will look wonderful with you wearing it..*S*