When I got my iPhone ( love it !!! ) I started a file to listen my UFOs in various stages.
There are at least 3 quilts sandwiched ready to be quilted:Striped houses
the Lungi farewell quilt from my friend Gabi with a dream of silk batting
and a French Braid
Maybe I should start doing machinequilting on the French Braid
The silk batting is calling for handquilting – it is such a pleasure
May I send the houses to a longarmer?
I’ll tell you about my older UFOs later, first about the newer, actual once:
Monika presented a Jelly Roll to me “Cappucino” – so pretty! After some time of searching for THE ultimate pattern ( smile ) I got to Brenda Henning’s Strip Therapy, choose the Mood Swing. The blocks are all sewn and pressed. I got 2 tones of green to add a sashing to them.
That’s the next step
Made a bag for Monika from this blocks and will make one for me as well, big enough to travel with the favourite quilt inside.
Monica gave also a bundle of 8,5” batic squares to me, which I divided into 2 different sections and added a black stripe in one half of the blocks and a white/black stripe to the other. This one is ready to be assembled. Choose a cool blue batic for the border and the backing is here also. Showed the EQ file some days ago on my blog.
The last workshop I took at the LQS was Appliquè inside the Lines (Carol Armstrong). The appliqué is done, need the batting and backing and is ready for quilting. Nice small project for gardentime – on top of my agenda now
Another workshop at my LQS was a mystery quilt, which turned out to be a Jewelbox.
I choose a block background ( I ordered some yards some time ago )with scrappy batics
Is not my FAVORiTE actually - will work on it soon or later.
Next post will tell about my various Dear Jane projects ....