This is the block which is used for Signature blocks worldwide. I participated in 2 international swapps, one European and organized one German swap AND in a special Christmas Siggy Swap. All this blocks are sitting patiently waiting to be assembled.
I started with my center without any idea how to set the Siggies, by name or color ....

*** klick on the picture to see it big ***
In the center of my beginning I made 2 siggies with black unsigned centers in memory of 2 quilters who influenced my life, but are not with us anymore. Charlotte was such a special woman, she was the senior of the Berlin group when I started. The other reminds me of Helga, which lost her battle against cancer. She was also a very talented beader.
In the first round are siggies located from special people, like Brenda Papadakis herself, Caroline from Belgium, Kim, my friend Monika and Dianne from Saskatchewan. Sheri from Naperville, who offered me a bed one night, Mary (my Secret Pal one year), Hanne from Norway, which I met in Copenhagen at Tilde's home in 2oo4 (?). Sue Baddley who quilted my turquoise quilt, Ingrid, Ute and Sigrid from the Ruhris are in this round.
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