Looking forward to the big move into our new home in September

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Stash or hoarding

Due to the fact, that we are moving in a 3 year interval the amount of stuff in our household is an issue more than once. enough said ;-)

Tricia Waddell, the Editor in Chief Stitch Magazine posted an interesting thought lately:
Hoarding is a primitive instinct. But it is not necessary for your survival as a fabric artist. In fact, having a limited selection of fabrics forces you to be more creative and make better design decisions. You learn to alter the fabric that’s available or even to create your own by dyeing or painting or surface design.

That's something I have to think about seriously! Any thoughts?


Angelikas quilts and knits said...

Bestimmt hat sie recht mit dem was sie schreibt, aber ich bin keine kreative Künstlerin und brauche eine gewisse Auswahl :-))
Liebe Grüße
Angelika von da, wo der Norden aufhört

Cyn said...

Something to think about, for sure.
I have a HUGE stash, but it seems that I always go to store and buy more for the current project. lol. Not sure why that happens.

Renate Bischoff said...

Recht hat sie, aber.......
Nun gut, ich werde auch mal weiter darüber nachdenken. :-))

Liebe Grüße