right now I enjoyed the
blog from Barb. She is showing wonderful pics of her quiltgroup, their work and homes. During one of their Retreats they taped a
Youtube: it explains a very clever timeconsuming way to sew 2 Nine Patchs at once - so easy!
hope you like it too
Danke Brigitte,
die Links gucke ich mir einen anderen Tag an, will jetzt endlich ein bißchen nähen ☺ Das WWW räubt mir so viel Zeit, es gibt so viel zu sehen und schöne blogs zu besuche *lol*
Liebe Grüße
Thank you for including the link, Brigitte. I will go have a look at it.
Thanks for the link on your blog, Brigitte! That tutorial is pretty fun. We laugh a lot at our quilting retreats. Glad you're enjoying my blog! Hugs, Barb
Long time no hear or see :)!
Brigitte, kannst Du mir mal Deine akute TelNr. schicken, würde Dich gern So abend mal anrufen..30.10?Oder Mo.?
LG Claudia
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