All I can say: it was FANTASTiC to meet with Bonnie Hunter, the Black Forest Quilters and many talented quilters. Especially to spent some time with Valerie from France and Carolyn from Maine was so special to me. They are both members of a little private Yahoogroup of Janiacs I'm part of and drove from Paris to Stuttgart!
Firstable I visited a quilter, which runs a webshop and is an expert for
Singer Featherweights (they are rare in Germany!) I own a FW from 1937, but it didn’t run smoothly. She showed me all that tiny holes needing oil and the part I have to add lubricant. After she moved the engine to get the right tension for the cord. My darling is running and sounds happy now!
Her husband will fix a problem of the electric cord and send it to me
THAN I can use it – YEAH !!! Dankeschön Susanne!!
Drove a little bit around and walked through Herrenberg, a historic village nearbye.
Around 4 PM I peaked into Bonnie’s workshop and said hello.
She is such a darling and we talked a little bit. In the evening Valerie, Carolyn and the 3 french kids arrived at the hotel. We left immediately to a little restaurant and had local food, beer and a lot of chatting.
On Friday morning the Cathedral Stars workshop took place – I missed Caroline from Brussels, who had to cancel the trip because of bronchitis and astma!!!
First time ever I used the Easy Angle and Tri Rec rulers – very clever, will never do
halfsquare triangles the oldfashioned way.
In the evening Bonnie held her trunkshow at an formerly officers club, where the
Black Forest Quilters having their meetings. It is an American/German club, very creative, supportive and active. Would love to be part of this guilt.
The Trunkshow was FANTASTiC !!!!!!
Barb posted a really sweet post about Bonnie's visit to Texas! She enclosed 2 youtube video from the trunkshow - This way you can get an impression about the scrap queen. Thank you Barb!
On Saturday I attended the Virginia Bound workshop at the guilt.
I’m using woven plaids, made in Bangladesh – first time my SewEzi table was built up
In the evening I had dinner with Aby (the organisator) and Bonnie -
We had a lot of fun!
On Sunday the Star Stuck workshop was held at Nadel und Faden, located in an old building from ~ 1700
Just 9 participants, lovely shop – bought the perfect 2 grey fabrics for the sashing.
Needless to say I crashed into my bed every evening!
On Monday I didn’t rushed back home, instead I enjoyed the lovely landscape around Stuttgart and got to a little village with big outlet stores of many famous designers. I was lucky to find a perfect fitting chocolate brown jacket with coordinates trousers.
Had a soup in another old village (Blaubeuren)
Right now I’m prepairing our house for the visit of my daughter Ines and her friend Tom.
Monday I’ll leave to visit my friend Monica in Lueneburg, together we’ll go to a Retreat with 6 women from Hamburg.
Tomorrow I promise pictures!
happy greetings
Hi Brigitte,
-das hört sich wirklich an als ob eine wunderschöne Woche war, toll, wer wäre nicht gerne dabei gewesen, ist aber auch schön davon zu lesen ☺
Retreat in Lüneburg/Hamburg, auch nicht schlecht, was näht ihr? Viel Spaß!
Thanks, Brigitte for posting the link to my blog! I had such fun meeting Bonnie in Texas and taking the videos. I took loads of pics too. She is a joy! How fun for you to have her come to Germany! I enjoyed reading about her visit there. Hugs, Barb in Texas
Hallöchen, es war schön, mit Dir "life" zu plaudern !! Vielleicht sehen wir uns ja nächstes Jahr wieder - die Nürtinger Quiltgruppe wird im März 2012 wieder die "QuiltArt Nürtingen" ausrichten. Die Ausstellung ist ziemlich sehenswert ;-)) und nach Metzingen ist's dann auch nicht mehr weit ...
So happy you were able to take Bonnie's classes and meet up with Valerie and Carolyn. Bonnie was at our guild in September. So much energy and talent!
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