I like the old fashioned way, "lieseln" over the paper, nice and quiet
I'm using Civil War fabrics and a creamy/yellow background fabric.
Carol from Panama is working on her version of POTC in powerful colors, absolutly beautiful! She found a very clever idea to assemble her blocks. Due to the facts that I think it's boring to sew 24 identical hexis around the blocks AND I'm short with just 2 yards of background fabric I asked her for her permission to use the same design - AND she agreed!
Thank you so much Carol
here are my first 3 blocks (have to get the seamripper out to remove some of the outer yellow pieces)

for some unknown reason the colors are not nearly the reality, maybe I'll take new pics after my bead-workend-retreat !!! YEAH, I'm lucky to stay 2 days with beading freaks from all over Germany at the lovely Ammersee
Das sieht sehr schön aus, und fleißig warst Du!
Hi Brigitte,
Your POTC blocks are wonderful! Like the colors/fabrics you've chosen.
Have fun on your bead-retreat! HOpe you will share some pics when you return.
Cyn; -)
Sehr schön sind deine Blöcke geworden. Ich bin schon ganz gespannt, wie es weitergeht.
Liebe Grüße
die potc werden ja toll, darf man neugierig fragen, wo ihr 2 tage am ammersee genäht habt, denn das hört sich verlockend an
lg, margit
Looking good Brigitte! Can't wait to see what you decide to do with the joiner squares. I have an idea and it may be the same as yours - we'll see!
Hallo Brigitte!
Schön sehen die Blocks aus!!!
Gibt es dazu ein Buch?
liebe Grüße
Ursel a. N.
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