Looking forward to the big move into our new home in September

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Katrin hat mit Claudia und Helga diese hübschen Nadelkissen angefertigt und mir ein Biscornu geschenkt! Vielen Dank
www.cattinkakw.blogspot.de da seht Ihr noch mehr - die 3 möchten gerne tauschen

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Halloween Dear Jane Round Robin

heute schick ich mal nen LINK zu Lisa, die meinen Halloween Quilt gequiltet hat, der in Nantes bei der Dear Jane Präsentation auf der Bühne gezeigt wurde. Today I'll send a LINK to Lisa's blog, she quilted my Halloween DJ, which was shown on the stage at the Dear Jane lecture


Follow my blog with Bloglovin I try to connect with bloglovin - not shure if it works ....

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pictures of room #2

Today I'll show you pictures of my room # 2
It's my libary, beading- and scrapbooking space AND my sleepingroom
I never really counted my books, but back in Duesseldorf I assumed it must be more than 400 - collected in 30 years of quilting 😊

Tomorrow I'll show you the main studio and my knitting project

Have a nice evening