Looking forward to the big move into our new home in September

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pictures of room #2

Today I'll show you pictures of my room # 2
It's my libary, beading- and scrapbooking space AND my sleepingroom
I never really counted my books, but back in Duesseldorf I assumed it must be more than 400 - collected in 30 years of quilting 😊

Tomorrow I'll show you the main studio and my knitting project

Have a nice evening


Hanne said...

Looks good Brigitte :-) I wish I could come and read your books and dream of future quilts :-)

Cattinka said...

Das ist wirklich eine richtige Bibliothek. Kannst Du in diesem Raum voller Inspirationen überhaupt schlafen? Du träumst bestimmt immer besonders schön!