Looking forward to the big move into our new home in September

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

back - after a long break

In the more than one year I haven't posted here big changes where made. Early September 2o13 we moved to the Stavanger area in Southern Norway. DH managed to rent a house with a wonderful view to the beach and the ocean, not to mention the great space for me. More of that later. Who followed me on FB may have seen several pictures from our view, but I'll post some here in the future, I'm shure. Quilting wise: No progress on my Baby Jane, it's still not touched. BUT I started a big 1/2" Hexagon project (17200 pieces)Grit Kovacz designed. She offers the pattern for free on her blog. Last November I traveled -again- to Shipshewana/Indiana to attend the Dear Jane Retreat and to meet my international friends. Caroline from Belgium, Julie from Australia have been there as well, I traveld with both of them for 3 weeks through California in January 2o12. Hanne and May Brit from Norway have been there too and Brenda B. from Dubai. I spend some time with Valerie in the suburb from Chicago for some days, she runs the beautiful quiltshop "The Quilt Merchant" in Winfield, IL. Most of my reproduction fabrics for my "La Passion" where bought in her shop. Today I managed to sew the first block of Tula Pink's City Sampler
Now I have to do my kitchen duties and to prepair the BBQ See you soon


Angelikas quilts and knits said...

Liebe Brigitte,
willkommen zurück :-) Ich freue mich schon auf mehr Berichte und Fotos aus Deinem Nähzimmer :-)

Liebe Grüße

PS. in Norwegen ist am zweiten Sonntag im Februar Muttertag

stufenzumgericht said...

Liebe Brigitte,
hach, nee wie schön, nicht nur dein Block, sondern dass du jetzt auch dabei bist ;-) Liebste Grüße von Martina

Cattinka said...

Hallo Brigitte,
es ist schön zu hören dass Du so fleißig bist. Hast ja wieder ein ereignisreiches Jahr hinter Dir!