this is the old one
(with 5 drawers)

my new (used) beadDRAWER arrived
in my (not only) sewingroom.

10 drawers instead of 5!
hope to get my beads better organized now.
To give you an idea here are the pics

This is my beloved BERNINA, I own for 19 years now. She is working very well and I do hope she don't know, that I started thinking to buy a new Bernina (440 QE with BSR). To make the machinequilting easier
Please don't let her know!
the BAD news is:my kitchen/diningroom is crowded now. The refrigerator stands in the room and 3 cupboards are emptied and removed from their original place -to find a REAL desaster behindwater standing on the wooden floor, the wall is in a bad shape The reason was also found: the thing whitch close the water outside during the wintertime wasn't working correct - so one drop after other ruined the wall and floor AND part of my kitchen cupboard also.Now I'm waiting until the right spare part is avaiable, hope to get the water stopped tomorrow or Wednesday ....
Better I'll return into my room to reorganize my beads!
thats much more fun then seeing the kitchen/diningroom

Are you going to keep the old one with the new one, or are you getting rid of the old one? I like storage of all kinds.
hi Shelina, my husband is a modeltrain collector - do I have to say more????
These kind of heafy stuff drawers are really very expensive (normally)
- so no question: YES, we keep the old one.
We are going to see our next move coming (next summer) to Poland. Actually we rented a townhouse with 5 levels, 8 rooms + kitchen/diningroom and 2 bathrooms. My daughter don't move anymore with us, but still without her we need a real big house ....
we are making jokes about that all the time: Best will be we could find a castle ...... LOL
When we moved into this house the forwarding agent needs 2 trucks with trailers. We said in this 3 years not to buy any new furnitures - but that didn't worked ...
I got 5 drawers from IKEA for my fabrics (FANTASTIC), two chairs, one rockingchair - you got it?
That is one handsome cabinet. You will really be able to keep your beads organized in there. Sorry to hear about the water damage. Hopefully it won't take too long to get everything replaced.
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