Then I just interrupted to sew my October basket quickly -
like usual I love to change it a little bit .... and see what happened
like usual I love to change it a little bit .... and see what happened
this darn handle will not fit !!!!
on to that later again - grrr
on to that later again - grrr
Need a victory first
2nd chapter to this story:
After the finish of my freestyle houseblocks, ( had to sew several roofs )
I redrafted a new handle foundation paper and came to this result -
not really happy, but finished
not really happy, but finished

Like Brenda Papadakis mantra: Better finished, than perfect
I love your basket blocks, this one is very original !
Hallo Brigitte,
sehr schön sind deine Baskets und so unterschiedlich. Nicht nur du bist derzeit in einer "Sewing Mood", mir geht es ähnlich, ich nenne es Nähfieber und wenn mich das packt, verspüre ich einen unwiderstehlichen Drang, die Dinge auch fertig zu stellen!!! Sag mal, warum schreibst du auf deinem Blog eigentlich nur in Englisch?
GLG, Martina
deine Werke sind sehr schön.
Liebe Grüße
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